Between Art and Militancy. Martín Marcou’s "Evita Trans"

  • Patricia Aschieri Universidad de Buenos Aires; Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero
  • Jimena Cecilia Trombetta Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Performance, Trans, Imaginaries, Liminal, Peronism


In this study we propose to address the dynamics of the figure of Eva Duarte de Perón based on the performance of Martín Marcou and his group Teatro Crudo, Evita trans (2012), which intervened in two dissimilar spaces such as the Devoto prison and the Eladia Blázquez Cultural Center. We will understand how these artistic practices are located within the definition of the liminal and resort to multiple imaginaries. For this, we will use various paratexts, interviews with some of the participants in the experience, as well as photographs and reconstructions of the performance made by the playwright himself.


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How to Cite
Aschieri , P., & Trombetta , J. C. (2021). Between Art and Militancy. Martín Marcou’s "Evita Trans". Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, (33).
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