Scenic and Performatic bodies: Memory and Poetic Subjectivity

  • Silvina Díaz CONICET- Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Body, Performance, Theatre, Memory, Liminality


Every cultural representation of the body involves, more or less explicitly, a web of worldviews, social values, conceptions and knowledge about bodyhood and the way art produces and organizes them.We intend to investigate some possible ways in which memory is inscribed in the body, within performatic or scenic practices that appear as a result of research processes and incorporate languages of various arts. They suggest the conception of a plural body (Citro), crossed by multiple inscriptions, while bodily writings design social territories and political cartographies. Both in the case of socio-aesthetic practices that break into the public space and in those stage-based experiences in which the actor or actress becomes the central element of creative work, the body, as support, matter and action (Barría Jara) remains the true political and aesthetic core in which individual and collective memory is recorded and reconstructed. 


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How to Cite
Díaz, S. (2021). Scenic and Performatic bodies: Memory and Poetic Subjectivity. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, (33).