Researching other Theaters: the Theater in the Interior in Uruguay, an Invisible Theater

  • Gustavo Remedi Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de la República
Keywords: Uruguyan theater, the field of theater, theatricalities, popular theater, theater in the interior


The work pursues a theoretical reflection in order to problematize both, the horizon and the object of theater studies —the theatrical field or system as defined by criticism, the concept of theater— arguing in favor of broadening the gaze and also making the concept of theater more flexible in order to be able to encompass other theatricalities, other forms of theatrical expression, various manifestations of popular theater —such as the carnival theater— historically neglected by the official theater world (critics, researchers, authorities, etc.), and especially, the theater of the / in "the interior" of the country, a theater which in the case of Uruguay has been long and incomprehensibly left out of focus and out of the picture.


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How to Cite
Remedi, G. (2021). Researching other Theaters: the Theater in the Interior in Uruguay, an Invisible Theater. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, (33).