The language of the actor and the infinite translation

  • Laurent Berger Universidad Paul Valéry, Montpellier 3. Miembro del Laboratorio RIRRA21. Investigador asociado a La Manufacture, Lausana. Director del proyecto de investigación "Etre et jouer", que cuenta con el apoyo del FNS (Suiza)
Keywords: Actor, Director, Shakespeare, Performance, Translation


Starting from the function of translation of a drama play for its stage production, we investigate the general process of creating the performance, observing how the act of translation multiplies and actually unfolds in all layers of that process. We concentrate this reflection on the actor's work and his relationship with the director, developing the concept of inner language, to analyze the different translation operations that are used to produce the show and how they work. We show how this dynamic of translation feeds acting creativity, allows to penetrate the inner world of the actor and generates cyclical regimes that transform translation work into an infinite task.


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Author Biography

Laurent Berger, Universidad Paul Valéry, Montpellier 3. Miembro del Laboratorio RIRRA21. Investigador asociado a La Manufacture, Lausana. Director del proyecto de investigación "Etre et jouer", que cuenta con el apoyo del FNS (Suiza)
Profesor en la Universidad Paul Valéry, Montpellier 3 Miembro del Laboratorio RIRRA21Investigador asociado a La Manufacture, LausanaDirector del proyecto de investigación "Etre et jouer" que cuenta con el apoyo del FNS (Suiza)
How to Cite
Berger, L. (2021). The language of the actor and the infinite translation. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, (33).