Intermedial Experience: Temporalities and Spatialities in Tension. A Cartography of the 80s Theatre and Performance Practices in the Southern Cone

  • Micaela Suarez IAE-UBA
Keywords: El Trolley, Griffero, Pacheco, G.T.L., Intermedial, theatre, Image, Memory


In this article, we study how the use of analogue reproduction generates, in theatrical and  performative practices, irruptions of the audiovisual image that produce a disjunction in the spatial-temporal and aesthetic-conceptual treatment as an aesthetic-political tactic (De Certeau, 1979). This irruption would mark a unique relationship between technique and aesthetics which was inaugurated by the Southern Cone’s first post-dictatorial artistic practices. Under an intermedial perspective and a multidisciplinary approach, we will analyse the creation and reproduction of the audiovisual image in two micropoetics from Chile and Argentina, with a focus on the construction of memory. We will analyze Ramón Griffero’s productions in El Trolley (Chile) and G.T.L’s plays directed by Omar Pacheco (Argentina), as memory entrepreneurs.


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How to Cite
Suarez, M. (2021). Intermedial Experience: Temporalities and Spatialities in Tension. A Cartography of the 80s Theatre and Performance Practices in the Southern Cone. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, (34).