Adaptation in an Intermedial Environment: Experience of a Research-Creation

  • Paula Rojas UNA
Keywords: adaptation, intermediality, research-creation, dramaturgy, scenic device, El mundo no se detiene, The World Does Not Stop


This article aims to analyze the research-creation process that questions what it means to adapt a narrative text to the theatre by integrating the dramaturgical possibilities that digital technologies offer to the scene. This process distances us from a traditional adaptation, adopting instead an intermedial perspective and, with it, the idea of adaptation as a connection. This vision accentuates the dynamics, the relationship, and the reciprocity between the works that dialogue with each other, as opposed to a unidirectional vision (departure work-arrival work). As part of the methodological work, we have generated a series of scenic research laboratories for creation of videographic, sound and spatial devices. These devices have been integrated into the dramaturgical production entitled The World Does Not Stop, presented in the form of an intermedial script.


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How to Cite
Rojas, P. (2021). Adaptation in an Intermedial Environment: Experience of a Research-Creation. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, (34).