Marriages and Something Else. Company-Families in the Argentine Theater Scene: Blanca Podestá and Alberto Ballerini

  • Lía Noguera UBA-UNA-CONICET
Keywords: artistic work, Argentine theater, 20th century, companies, affections, Podestá, Ballerini


Based on our studies at the the Jacobo De Diego Archive of the National Institute of Theater Studies (Buenos Aires, Argentina), carried out within the framework of an Investiga Cultura grant of the national Ministry of Culture, we aim analyze in this article the artistic, economic and affective relationships of what we have called company-families. In order to do so, we will focus on a paradigmatic marriage of the Podestá family tree in Argentina: Blanca Podestá and Alberto Ballerini.


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How to Cite
Noguera, L. (2021). Marriages and Something Else. Company-Families in the Argentine Theater Scene: Blanca Podestá and Alberto Ballerini. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, (34).