Carolina Vivas’ "Donde se descomponen las colas de los burros". The Latin American Antigone of the 21st Century: It Is not the Pain of One, It Is the Pain of All.

  • Francisco Gutiérrez Universidad de Chile / Universidad de los Andes
Keywords: Carolina Vivas, Colombia, Antigone, Reception, Sophocles


In this article we will analyze the play Donde se descomponen las colas de los burros by the playwright Carolina Vivas, which can be read as a reception of the tragedy Antigone. In this sense, we are interested in presenting the transformation of the character and the argument in the Latin American context, to visualize how the previous appropriation of the classic text in the continent influences the work of the Colombian author and, at the same time, to highlight the elements of the tragedy that the author rescues and modifies. Also, we will present a trend of the various readings and receptions of Antigone, emphasizing those carried out in Latin America. We will analyze this elements to situate the place from where the rewriting of Carolina Vivas is located and presented as a piece that, due to the way in which it rewrites the plot and the figure of Antigone, is configured as a milestone in the already extensive tradition of receptions of the Sophoclean tragedy in our continent.


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How to Cite
Gutiérrez, F. (2023). Carolina Vivas’ "Donde se descomponen las colas de los burros". The Latin American Antigone of the 21st Century: It Is not the Pain of One, It Is the Pain of All . Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, (38).