La Presence and Performance: the Case of "Velatón por Cristo"

  • Natalia Campos Osorio Universidad de Chile
Keywords: Performance, Presence, Gender violence, Theater theory, Theatricality, Theatrical theory


Velatón por Cristo is a performance carried out in 2019, in the context of violence against LGBTIQ+ communities, specifically the lesbo-femicide of Nicole Saavedra and the attack on Matías Mella. A central aspect of the piece is based on a gender subversion, through which Mary is represented by a transvestite and Jesus, by a LGBTIQ+ woman. This article presents a case study, in which we hope to generate a theoretical discussion about how the presence of those who are not present is manifested. We will call these missing presences “non-presences” or “not selves”, analyzing how the theatrical representation of violent death seeks to keep the memory of the murdered woman alive.


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Author Biography

Natalia Campos Osorio, Universidad de Chile
Socióloga, candidata a magister en teoría e historia del arte.
How to Cite
Campos Osorio, N. (2023). La Presence and Performance: the Case of "Velatón por Cristo". Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, (38).
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