Puppets and Independent Theatre: the Case of Leónidas Barletta and <i>Los títeres de Rosita</i>

  • Bettina Girotti
Keywords: Barletta, Eresky, Puppet theatre, Teatro del Pueblo, Títeres de Rosita


Since the late 1930s, puppet theatre in Buenos Aires, began to expand itself discovering new development fields. Lots of independent theatre groups open their doors, the Teatro del Pueblo among them. This time, we analyse the existence of a puppet group in this institution, called Los Títeres de Rosita, and the works for puppet theatre written by the Teatro del Pueblo’s director, Leonidas Barletta. 


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Author Biography

Bettina Girotti
Universidad de Buenos Aires
How to Cite
Girotti, B. (1). Puppets and Independent Theatre: the Case of Leónidas Barletta and <i>Los títeres de Rosita</i&gt;. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, 11(21), 112-120. https://doi.org/10.34096/tdf.n21.1477