<i>Terrenal</i> de Mauricio Kartún: una reescritura política, circense y metateatral del mito de Caín y Abel

  • Daniela Oulengo
Keywords: Terrenal, Kartun, myth, clown, Theatrum mundi


The purpose of the present paper is to analyze Terrenal, the last theatre play directed by dramaturge Mauricio Kartun, focusing on the study of the reworking of the biblical myth of Cain and Abel from a political perspective criticizing capitalism. Furthermore, the construction of the characters makes some analogies with different prototypes of clowns analyzed. Finally, the theoretical notion Theatrum mundi is used to think on the theatre.    


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How to Cite
Oulengo, D. (1). <i>Terrenal</i&gt; de Mauricio Kartún: una reescritura política, circense y metateatral del mito de Caín y Abel. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, 11(22), 103-111. https://doi.org/10.34096/tdf.n22.2162
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