La resemantización del mito del Minotauro en <i>Los reyes</i> de Julio Cortázar

  • Daniela Oulengo
Keywords: Cortázar, myth of the Minotaur, Los reyes, Greek tragedy, hero


The purpose of this article is to make a comparative study between the dramatic poem Los reyes, written by Julio Cortázar, and the myth of the Minotaur. The approach will start from the first connections of the author with Greek mythology and then go into the analysis of various aspects of the play. The structural level of the piece along with some of the resources of Greek tragedy used by Cortázar will also studied. Besides, in this resemantization of the classical myth, the resignification potential latent in the construction of the different characters in the light of the heroic figure will be examined.


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How to Cite
Oulengo, D. (1). La resemantización del mito del Minotauro en <i>Los reyes</i&gt; de Julio Cortázar. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, 11(23), 66-73.