De Schiller a Verdi: procedimientos en la transposición de la literatura a la ópera

  • Betania Vidal
Keywords: transposition, reduction, unfolding, drama, opera


In the transposition of a dramatic play into an opera, numerous transformations take place. The purpose of the present article is to perform a comparative analysis between Schiller’s Die Räuber and Verdi’s I Masnadieri. In order to do this, the article is divided into two parts. The first one focuses on the different procedures that take place in the transposition from drama to opera, such as reduction, unfolding and the transformation of dialogue into monologue. The second one analyzes the function of these procedures considering two texts: “I masnadieri. Andrea Maffei mediatore tra Schiller e Verdi” by Ilaria Meloni and “Factores condicionantes en la transposición literatura - música” by Juan Miguel González Martínez. On the basis of this analysis, the article presents its main hypothesis, which is that the changes occurred in the transposition are related to specific aspects from operatic genre. 


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How to Cite
Vidal, B. (1). De Schiller a Verdi: procedimientos en la transposición de la literatura a la ópera. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, 13(25), 30-41.