Theatrical Direction: from the World of Thought to the Universe of Group Relations. Reflections on the Staging Processes of the Independent Theatre in Córdoba, Argentina

  • Fwala-lo Marin
Keywords: theatre studies, direction, Regie, Mise en scène, independent theatre, contemporary theatre, Córdoba, Argentina


In the present work we will address the central topics of various bibliographical sources regarding the notion of theatrical direction. In particular, our perspective is situated in the staging processes and in the practices of the independent theatre field of Córdoba and it will be from there that we will carry out the reading of the writings. In a second moment, as a way to approach the concept as it operates in this specific field, we worked with a group of directors chosen for their similarities of age and recognition. Part of the conclusions of this work describes two fundamental features: the first is that the direction is linked to the world of thought and that the idea or the mental image activates the creative process. The second feature is that direction implies a work with others, a capacity to sustain a “going together”, to guide the group and accompany the process of joint creation, being an eminently human activity. These partial conclusions open a first panorama, not only to know the field of the independent theater of Córdoba, but also to risk conceptualizations that can dialogue with other territories. 


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How to Cite
Marin, F.- lo. (2018). Theatrical Direction: from the World of Thought to the Universe of Group Relations. Reflections on the Staging Processes of the Independent Theatre in Córdoba, Argentina. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, 14(28), 94-106.