Senderos, huellas y testimonios de un itinerario histórico: el grupo "Teatro de los Andes" y César Brie

  • Maria Gabriela Aimaretti CONICET - UBA
Keywords: Theatre of the Andes, Intellectual, History, Culture


In this work we aim to explore the historical itinerary of the project of the group Teatro de los Andes and to study César Brie's figure as intellectual. Both individually and as a part of the group, he holds a prolific aesthetic production as well as a series of reflexive and theoretical practices developed in different supports and media. After presenting the theoretical framework from which we will study his role as intellectual, we will approach some of his reflections concerning topics such as: art and politics, the relation with the spectator, and the place of emotion and beauty.


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How to Cite
Aimaretti, M. G. (2014). Senderos, huellas y testimonios de un itinerario histórico: el grupo "Teatro de los Andes" y César Brie. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, 10(19), 40-82.