La construcción del otro y la violencia cotidiana en la obra de Santiago Loza.

Una recorrida por "Todo verde", "Matar cansa", "Asco" y "Nada del amor me produce envidia"

  • Marta N. R. Casale Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Loza, playwriting, monologue, style brands, social relationships


From the analysis of the work of Santiago Loza certain constants arise that this paper will explore. First, the repetition of thematic units, but also of situations and approaches. The contrast between the routine and the extraordinary; the role of the other's gaze and the occurrence of death in relation to the object of desire are motifs that are repeated in the depiction of characters characterized by anonymity and loneliness, an inner state that finds its perfect expression in the form of monologue. These concomitants, allow, in a second step, an analogy between the raised links and interpersonal bonds in the context of late capitalism


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How to Cite
Casale, M. N. R. (2014). La construcción del otro y la violencia cotidiana en la obra de Santiago Loza . Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, 10(19), 190-204.
Escrituras Teatrales