Entre continuidad y ruptura dramática: la crisis de la representación dramática en el trabajo del dramaturgo brasileño Luis Alberto de Abreu.

  • Stephan Baumgärtel Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil
Keywords: Abreu, A Guerra Santa, Sacra Follia, contemporary dramaturgy, Brazilian dramaturgy, theatrical enunciation, performative mimesis, textual performativity


This paper analyses two texts by Brazilian playwright Luís Alberto de Abreu, concerning the thematic function of narrative and poetic digressions within its structure. In theatrical terms, one finds intersections of narration and dialogue, of comments and   presentations in form of dialogue, of the stage-audience axis and the intra-fictional characters axis. In doing so, the signifying center shifts from the narration of fictional actions to the performative presentation of the text as a discursive texture which is full of internal tensions. 


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How to Cite
Baumgärtel, S. (2013). Entre continuidad y ruptura dramática: la crisis de la representación dramática en el trabajo del dramaturgo brasileño Luis Alberto de Abreu. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, 9(17), 99-125. https://doi.org/10.34096/tdf.n17.6676
Escrituras Teatrales