Ethics in Galina Tolmacheva: the Passage of “Oneself” to the Construction of Authority

  • Marina Laura Sarale
Keywords: ethics, independent theatre, Stanislavski, Tolmacheva, Mendoza


The question that moves the present essay is one about ethics. We base this study on the hypothesis that the founding of the School of Theater of the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, under the direction of Galina Tolmacheva during the first half of the 1950s, establishes a normalizing process in the teaching of theater, with new ways of relation resulting in pedagogical methods for the good practice of the art, following the Russian acting schools. In this regard, we wish to problematize the notion of oneself as posed by Stanislavski in his Ethics and discipline (1944), through a series of translations to Spanish, in order to compare that notion with Tolmacheva’s (re)writing in her Ethics and creation in the actor: An essay on Stanislavski’s ethics (1953), where the understanding of oneself is an exercise of authority


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How to Cite
Sarale, M. L. (2019). Ethics in Galina Tolmacheva: the Passage of “Oneself” to the Construction of Authority. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, (30), 91-103. Retrieved from