Theatre in the Argentine Province of Corrientes: its History, Trajectories and Present (Part 1)

  • Malala González
Keywords: Argentine Theatre, Corrientes, Theatrical Activity, History


This work aims to study theatrical activity in the Argentine province of Corrientes, from its pre-colonial origins until its recent development (2010). Taking into account different chronological and aesthetic periods, we will focus on some of the most relevant moments and aspects in its history. In order to do so, we will address the formation and trajectory of numerous groups, the referents of different times, the theatrical spaces and the coexistence with the carnival, amongst other viable approaches which can contribute to reflect and synthesize the transformations of Corrientes theatre system.


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How to Cite
González, M. (2020). Theatre in the Argentine Province of Corrientes: its History, Trajectories and Present (Part 1). Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, (32).