Un abordaje sociohistórico de la acción política en la práctica teatral

  • Mauro Alegret SECyT, CEA, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina
Keywords: political action, theatrical process, events, historical sociology, theatrical production


This article is about the political dimension of the theatrical practice. We propose thinking the play as a historically situated production process, constituted by political events. On the ground of this premise, we outline the basis of a theoretical perspective that seeks to add a new point of view to current theatrology on how the political action intervenes practice on the theatrical field.


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How to Cite
Alegret, M. (2012). Un abordaje sociohistórico de la acción política en la práctica teatral. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, 8(16), 47-60. https://doi.org/10.34096/tdf.n16.8950