La Agrupación Discepolín. Articulaciones entre política y teatro en Rosario durante los ochenta

  • María Julia Logiódice Universidad Nacional de Rosario, FLACSO, CONICET
Keywords: democratic transition, Discepolín, Theatre, Politics


The deregulation of the control and discipline mechanisms that society experienced after the fall of the military dictatorship (76-83) was intensely expressed in the theater, opening new forms of articulation between theater and politics. In this sense, the experience Discepolín from Rosario  appears as a privileged object for analyzing the breaks and continuities in the bond between theater and politics when compared with the "political theater" of the seventies. In this paper I seek to reconstruct the trajectory of this group, reviewing its origin, its methodologies for creation, its works, its organizational forms and its ideas about theater and politics.


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How to Cite
Logiódice, M. J. (2012). La Agrupación Discepolín. Articulaciones entre política y teatro en Rosario durante los ochenta. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, 8(16), 102-116.