La espacialidad de los afectos en Pina Bausch

  • Marcelo de Andrade Pereira Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brasil
Keywords: Dance-theatre, Bausch, Affections, Language, Presence


This article deals with the material aspect of affections in the work of German choreographer Pina Bausch. Through the research of her creation methods, the text intends to point out and describe forms of crystallizing and sharing meanings which constitute the non-hermeneutical field, which are, for that reason, refractory to an interpretative approach of the artistic event. We discuss also the relationship between presence and language in the context of creative process and in the scenic repertoire of Pina Bausch. This study relies on the theories of experience and narration by Walter Benjamin as well as on the theory of materiality of communication and on the concept of presence in Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht.


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How to Cite
de Andrade Pereira, M. (2012). La espacialidad de los afectos en Pina Bausch. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, 8(16), 205-216.
Estudios de la presencia