Pausa, Presencia, Público. De la Danza-Teatro al Performance-Taller

  • Ciane Fernandes Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brasil
Keywords: Presence, Dynamic Pause, Spectator Relationship, Performance, Somatic Attunement


The text discusses the tendency to stillness or dynamic pause in the contemporary scene, as a search for somatic attunement, in an attitude of counter-culture and transformation. In the middle of an empire of signs and simulacra, stillness activates inner flow and collective connections towards presence and creative interaction/integration with the environment. From a historical review, through a theoretical debate (Foster, Lacan, Ferál, Da Costa), to examples of performing arts, visual arts, music, and contemporary life events – such as natural catastrophes and their media repercussions –, we intend to bring up an afterthought about the priorities and the role of the artist-researcher in contemporary times.


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How to Cite
Fernandes, C. (2012). Pausa, Presencia, Público. De la Danza-Teatro al Performance-Taller. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, 8(16), 239-261.
Estudios de la presencia