El refugio o el edificio

  • Antoine Vitez
Keywords: theatre building, shelter, stage direction, non-theatrical space, Vitez


In 1972, stage director Antoine Vitez (1930-1990) founded the Théâtre des Quartiers d'Ivry and the workshops in the Ateliers d'Ivry. In this article that we are translating into Spanish -originally published in issue number 199 of the L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui magazine (October 1978)-, Vitez reflects on the possibilities of the theatre space and the theatre building, their dual role reflected in the architecture of theatres, making them a shelter which houses an activity or a building as an eloquent sign that wishes to distinguish itself. Vitez, who claimed "an elitist theatre for everyone," often presented his plays in locations with non-theatrical elements.


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How to Cite
Vitez, A. (2012). El refugio o el edificio. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, 8(16), 338-344. https://doi.org/10.34096/tdf.n16.8971
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