Laboratorio teatral. La ideología científica en el discurso de Jerzy Grotowski

  • Mario Cantú Toscano Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León México
Keywords: Grotowski, Van Dijk, Morin, noosphere, Art, Science, Philosopy, Truth


One of the greatest icons of the 20th century is Jerzy Grotowski. This paper analyses his discourse in Towards a Poor Theatre, using the theories of Van Dijk and Edgar Morin's concept of noosphere. The objective is to study the meaning of science for the Polish theatre director. The art-science bond, and especially the theatre-science one, has been under-studied from the epistemological point of view, meaning by this which knowledges and perspectives on life and nature (lebenswelt, in Husserl's words) provided by science have contributed to the development of the performing arts. Here we will briefly look into Grotowski's case, at least in the first phase of his creative life, before he adopted more mystical and ritual roads.


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How to Cite
Cantú Toscano, M. (2012). Laboratorio teatral. La ideología científica en el discurso de Jerzy Grotowski. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, 8(15), 1-24.