La risa (no) redentora. Ensayo sobre el humor y la construcción de la realidad social

  • Uxoa Anduaga Berrotaran Universidad del País Vasco, España
Keywords: Performativity, posmodern humor, parody, Social Reality, Identity, sociology


The purpose of this article is to develop some reflections related with the 'post-modern humor'.  It is mainly focused on the social uses and cosecuences of the parody. On the one hand, it looks in depth into the performative power it has to build up the social reality; on the other hand, it analyses the disposition the parody has to build up identity (or 'identitarian') references. The ideas developed in this work are based on a sociological research around the discourses of some weekly TV comedies about the Basque people and the perception of them in the Basque audience.


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How to Cite
Anduaga Berrotaran , U. (2011). La risa (no) redentora. Ensayo sobre el humor y la construcción de la realidad social. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, 7(14), 21-35.
Enfoques Teóricos