El teatro posdramático: una introducción

  • Hans-Thies Lehmann Universidad Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Frankfurt, Alemania
Keywords: Posdramatisches Theater, dramatic, posdramatic, Modernity, Posmodernity, Theatre


This article is the first translation into Spanish of the prologue of Posdramatisches Theater (1999). In the description of the forms of that kind of theater, described there like posdramatic, the author intends, on the one hand, to locate the evolution of the theater of XX century in an historical perspective; on the other hand, to favor the planning and the verbalization of the experience of this contemporary theater, often considered difficult.


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How to Cite
Lehmann, H.-T. (2010). El teatro posdramático: una introducción. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, 6(12), 1-19. https://doi.org/10.34096/tdf.n12.9195