Ernesto Suárez y el desarrollo de la creación colectiva en Mendoza

  • Graciela González de Díaz Araujo Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
Keywords: Suárez, Latin America, local theatre, collective creation, Micro-systems, Mendoza, poetry of director, Direction, Staging


The theatrical director Ernesto Suárez, born in Mendoza on 1940, had not only an important repercussion in Latin America, for the development of the collective creation between the 73s and 83s, but it is still a beacon figure of the current scene. In this article we will consider the importance of his presence in the majority of the theatrical local micro-systems. For it, we plan a biographical sketch of his personality and we remember his theatrical poetics, in relation with the intellectual changes made by the agents and the different mediating institutions.


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Author Biography

Graciela González de Díaz Araujo, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
How to Cite
González de Díaz Araujo, G. (2010). Ernesto Suárez y el desarrollo de la creación colectiva en Mendoza. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, 6(11), 1-14.