La escena en riesgo: espacios, políticas e institución (1990-2008)

  • Benito Escobar Vila Universidad Diego Portales, Chile
Keywords: scenic arts, cultural policies, experimentation, Chilean contemporary Dramaturgy


The article is a critical discussion about the development of the cultural policies in Chile concerning the promotion of the experimentation in the scenic arts from the end of XX century and the first years of the new one. The author elaborates a brief revision of the spaces and public programs dedicated to the promotion of the scenic vanguards. Likewise, he raises specific proposals on the matter from different outlooks such as education, infrastructure, promotion of the artistic creation and production and diffusion.


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How to Cite
Escobar Vila , B. (2009). La escena en riesgo: espacios, políticas e institución (1990-2008). Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, (10), 1-25.