Líneas de fuga de la fiesta oficial: Apuntes en torno al Encuentro de Teatro Porteño Independiente

  • Camila van Diest Universidad Católica de Chile
Keywords: Chilean contemporary theatre, Encuentro de Teatro Porteño Independiente, Teatro La Peste, Carnavales Culturales de Valparaíso, Cultural Policies, Regional theatre, Cultural Policy


On year 2004, the theater company Teatro la Peste, creates the Encuentro de Teatro Porteño Independiente, as a direct alternative to the Valparaiso's Carnavales Culturales, which years earlier had been promoted by the chilean government. The meeting, which is realized until today, looked forward to create a platform for the multiplicity of people related to the theater in the region and to democratize the access of the public, facing up the institutional discourse on culture in a city marked by it's status of "cultural capital of Chile". This article proposes different reading keys in order to get an insight of the tensions between both events.


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How to Cite
van Diest, C. (2009). Líneas de fuga de la fiesta oficial: Apuntes en torno al Encuentro de Teatro Porteño Independiente. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, (10), 1-13. https://doi.org/10.34096/tdf.n10.9314