La subversión política. Ideario de lo político y niveles de participación en "Carne de Cañón" del "Colectivo de Arte La Vitrina"

  • Andrés Grumann Sölter Universidad Libre de Berlín, Alemania
Keywords: Carne de Cañón, theatricality, the political, participation, Colectivo de Arte La Vitrina, Dance


This essay is based on the general assumption that the experience of Carne de Cañon from the Art Collective "La Vitrina" is an excellent model for understanding and analyzing the independent Chilean dance from the beginning of XXI century. Under this assumption that runs throughout the whole study, the author proposes an analysis from the aspect of the perception that the scene establishes with the viewer as well as the participation levels to which this scenario invites us as viewers.


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How to Cite
Grumann Sölter, A. (2009). La subversión política. Ideario de lo político y niveles de participación en "Carne de Cañón" del "Colectivo de Arte La Vitrina". Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, (10), 1-15.