Macbeth, de Maquiavelo, El Príncipe de Shakespeare. Hacia una (otra) lectura política de "Macbeth"

  • Natalia Pautasso Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales, UniversidadNacional de Rosario y Escuela Provincial de Teatro y Títeres, Rosario
Keywords: Macbeth, Tragedy, Politics, Violence, Moral


This article attempts a reading- that doesn't mean to be a newness- of Macbeth , from the legacy of modern politics theory founder, Nicolas Maquiavelo, trough his advices to the Prince. Across the imaginary exercise of thinking Macbeth as the fictional re-writing of The Prince, or The prince as the theorical essay of Macbeth, we try to propose some elements of both plays as foundational mainstays in the construction of never closed idea of politics.


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Author Biography

Natalia Pautasso, Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales, UniversidadNacional de Rosario y Escuela Provincial de Teatro y Títeres, Rosario
How to Cite
Pautasso, N. (2008). Macbeth, de Maquiavelo, El Príncipe de Shakespeare. Hacia una (otra) lectura política de "Macbeth". Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, (8), 1-8.