Armando Discépolo, una paternidad maldita

  • Roberto Allocco Garin Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Keywords: Discépolo, esperpento, Grotesco Criollo, evil literature


Is there in fact an "evil literature"? What is the meaning of such categorization? This work intends to cover from these elementary concepts to those that will help us as tools for specific research of the theatrical production of Armando Discépolo within what is known as "grotesco criollo". There will be factors related to the pressures produced by other discourses, existential questions, situations in politics, the ugliness of a huge variety of "esperpentos", the cheating slang "cocoliche" and the accusation of the defeated who have no more hope. Our objective will be to use of all of them to analyze if the production of the "grotesco criollo" by Armando Discépolo matches totally or partially with the "evil literature" or certain types of "evil art".


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How to Cite
Allocco Garin, R. (2008). Armando Discépolo, una paternidad maldita. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, (7), 1-37.