Identidad, ajedrez, masonería en "Don Juan o el amor por la geometría" de Max Frisch

  • Mónica Maffia Régisseuse, fundadora y directora del Grupo de Teatro FyL de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA
Keywords: Frisch, Identity, Chess, Freemasonry, Image, Don Juan


Don Juan by Max Frisch is a masterpiece, with an operatic structure after Mozart and a witty metatheatrical technique. The cross reference to opera helps to include elements of Masonic symbolism not just in the suggested set design but also in a leading character who -trying to escape from what's expected from him- seeks refuge in Geometry, which in the end will lead him into a trap. Nevertheless, a close reading would allow us to discover that the characters and their ups and downs, are but chessmen moved by Max Frisch's master hand.


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How to Cite
Maffia , M. (2007). Identidad, ajedrez, masonería en "Don Juan o el amor por la geometría" de Max Frisch. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, (5), 1-9.