The Theatrical Poetics of Omar Serra in the Version of a Text by Sade. A Staging that Bursts into the Rosario Scene

  • Daniela Ponte UNR
Keywords: Rosario Theater, Dramaturgy, post-dictatorship theater, Theatre, Marquis de Sade, Serra, Omar Serra, Comte de Sade


A survivor of the ‘60s (Serra: 1997) and bearer of the aesthetics and the "80s mode" (Lucena and Laboureau, 2016: 16), Omar Serra presents in April 2017 in Rosario Filosofía en el Tocador, an original adaptation of the homonymous novel written by Donatien Alphonse François de Sade –known as the Marquis de Sade– and published in 1795. A careful period wardrobe, music by Queen, scenes on the edge of explicit sex, centrality and prominence of the body, are some of the elements that are put into play to evoke the French court of the late 18th century and constitute the framework in which Serra shows us once again how to bring the imprint of under to the Rosario scene. In the present work we will explore the particularities of Serrean poetics present in a play that is as intense as it is disturbing.


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How to Cite
Ponte, D. (2021). The Theatrical Poetics of Omar Serra in the Version of a Text by Sade. A Staging that Bursts into the Rosario Scene. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, (33).
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