Insertar tiempo en el cuerpo (del espectador). El encuadre

  • Isabel de Naverán Universidad de Castilla la Mancha- ARTEA
Keywords: choreography, Time, Cinema, reversibility, framing


This essay aims to provide an approach on how today the choreography of action becomes a choreography of attention. Establishing a dialogue with the language of the cinema, some contemporary works make the access to real time become tangible, by going through the emptying of action and re-inscribing the spectator in a new form of perception. Stopping the action means stopping the course of things, of the consumption of time and money, but it also means recovering time. The framing, understood as separation between what remains within the reach of the gaze and what is out of its reach, becomes revealing when we approach the intimate relation, both in film and in theatre, between the subject and the object of the gaze.


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How to Cite
de Naverán, I. (1). Insertar tiempo en el cuerpo (del espectador). El encuadre. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, 7(14), 175-183.