La inminencia de lo real. Política de la metonimia en <i>Nadie nada nunca</i> de Juan José Saer

  • Baptiste Gillier
Keywords: critique, metonymy, politic, poetic, Juan José Saer


This work looks to interrogate the political dimension of the metonymic dynamism in Nadie nada nunca (1980) by Juan José Saer, arising from an episode of the novel that had until now gone unnoticed by the critique: The hug with the beast. From an exploration of the critical historiography of the novel –which has gone in thirty years from a metaphoric lecture to a metonymic lecture of the topic of violence–, this work questions the relations between literature and politics that these different interpretations suppose. Then, the work formulates the hypothesis that the “imminence climate” (Rodríguez, 2010), which impregnates the entire novel, shows up as the materialization of the intensities, of which manifest themselves in the zone through a series of metonymic experimentations like the refraction, the perspective and contagion. Fleeing the fixed identities, blurring the frontiers and inverting perspectives, the metonymy redistributes the “distribution of the sensible” (Rancière, 2010). 


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How to Cite
Gillier, B. (1). La inminencia de lo real. Política de la metonimia en <i>Nadie nada nunca</i&gt; de Juan José Saer. Zama. Revista Del Instituto De Literatura Hispanoamericana, 6(6), 67-80.