Los diarios de Emilio Renzi o el pudor autobiográfico

  • Adriana Rodríguez Pérsico
Keywords: diaries, writer's figures, Ricardo Piglia


For what purpose and for whom a diary is written? For a useless, desperate desire to catch the moment or the event before oblivion? Looking for future recognition? Is it a virtuous exercise, to train the hand in the long process of creation? In 1957, Piglia began to write his diaries; they compiled not only literary experiences but also those concerning friends, family, love, education and politics. So far, two volumes have been published, Años de formación and Los años felices. The initial question of these diaries concerns an identity in process -becoming a writer. The literary practice produces the subject who creates a name or better, two names which mirror each other, Piglia-Renzi. The first volume covers the period 1957-1967. It begins with the traumatic experience of inner exile –when the family must relocate from Adrogué to Mar del Plata because of author´s peronist father facing political persecution. Los años felices deals with years 1968-1975. Here, the figure of writer reaches maturity and establishes itself. The letter of the subject lays in the diary; this letter gives account of fundamental ghost/ spectres that are a literary translation of ways of living the drive. The diary acquires a foundational character as it appears as a condition of possibility for a future praxis. 


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Pérsico, A. (1). Los diarios de Emilio Renzi o el pudor autobiográfico. Zama. Revista Del Instituto De Literatura Hispanoamericana, 9(9), 59-69. https://doi.org/10.34096/zama.a9.n9.4053