The phantasmatic indian is recruited in the city. Neoshamanism, its origins and its arrival in Uruguay

  • Ismael Apud Universidad de la República
Keywords: Shamanism, Neoshamanism, Uruguay, Religion, Spirituality


In this paper we will analyze in first place how neoshamanic practices arise. We will see how the academic formulation of shamanic phenomena affects the emergency of neo-shamanism, and how their historical emergence is related to the counter-cultural movements of the sixties, and later with other movements related to New Age and Posmodernity. Last we will address the phenomenon in Uruguay, giving a short description of one of the groups identified the center of alternative therapies Ayariri, related to the Amazon vegetalista tradition.


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Author Biography

Ismael Apud, Universidad de la República
Magister en Metodología de la Investigación Científica (Universidad Nacional de Lanús, Argentina). Licenciado en Psicología. Licenciado en Ciencias Antropológicas (Universidad de la República, Uruguay). Docente Facultad de Psicología, Instituto Fundamentos y Métodos en Psicología, Programa de Cognición y Programa Metodología de la Investigación, Universidad de la República. 
How to Cite
Apud, I. (2013). The phantasmatic indian is recruited in the city. Neoshamanism, its origins and its arrival in Uruguay. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (38), 57-83.
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