Between brazilian and argentine judicial practices: perceptions of oral proceedings in Argentina

  • Bárbara Gomes Lupetti Baptista Universidade Gama Filho
Keywords: Orality, Process, Judicial practices, Brazil, Argentina


This paper aims to understand, from the description of practices observed in the criminal and civil judicial courts in the Capital of Argentina, the meaning and the percepction about the legal oral proceedings. The objective of empirical research that I realized was to look at oral manifestations that can occur in the argentine courts from a brazilian perception. In Argentine's capital city, the legal discourse produced about of the orality is links exclusively to Criminal Justice. However, the ethnography shows that there are oral manifestations also at Civil Justice level. Empirical data suggest that the restriction of the study of orality at the criminal trials is linked the presence of the judge, that in criminal trials is obligatory, but in the civil trials isn´t it, already as in these cases is delegated to civil servents. This paper intends to present, together with descriptions, some questions about the jurisdiction in Buenos Aires.


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Author Biography

Bárbara Gomes Lupetti Baptista, Universidade Gama Filho
Mestre e Doutoranda em Direito pelo Programa de Pós-graduação da Universidade Gama Filho. Bolsista do INCT-InEAC. 
How to Cite
Baptista, B. G. L. (2011). Between brazilian and argentine judicial practices: perceptions of oral proceedings in Argentina. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (33), 129-146.
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