In between exclusion and rescue. An anthropologic study about the implementation of programs socio-educative

  • María Paula Montesino Programa Antropología y Educación. Inst. Ciencias Antropológicas. Facultad Filosofía y Letras. UBA
  • Liliana Sinisi Programa Antropología y Educación. Inst. Ciencias Antropológicas. Facultad Filosofía y Letras. UBA
Keywords: Policies, Poverty, School, Young, Inclusion/Exclusion


In this paper we analyse how social regulations, implicated in public and educative polices, use the idea of educative inclusion from a psychologism point of view of poverty while are mentioned structural and “objective” causes. Our research and fieldwork on the “Programa Todos a Estudiar” shows, in one hand, how the exclusion effects related to the low self esteem grows/rise in teenagers that had abandoned their studies and in the other hand, a quasi-missionary praxis related to the use of categories such as rescue, recuperation , etc. to mention the socio-educative intervention that different persons involved in the implementation of the Programme does. We assure, as a hypothesis on this paper, that what this individuals persons “does” and “says” produce a contradictory paradox: it is assumed that the school is the best —and unique— place for those teenagers and, at the same time, those educative institutions are considered as the central producers of the processes that promote the social exclusion.


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Author Biographies

María Paula Montesino, Programa Antropología y Educación. Inst. Ciencias Antropológicas. Facultad Filosofía y Letras. UBA
Mgr en Políticas Sociales. Investigadora Programa Antropología y Educación. Inst. Ciencias Antropológicas. Facultad Filosofía y Letras. UBA.
Liliana Sinisi, Programa Antropología y Educación. Inst. Ciencias Antropológicas. Facultad Filosofía y Letras. UBA
Lic. Ciencias Antropológicas. Investigadora Programa Antropología y Educación. Codirectora Proyecto UBACYT. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. UBA.
How to Cite
Montesino, M. P., & Sinisi, L. (2009). In between exclusion and rescue. An anthropologic study about the implementation of programs socio-educative. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (29), 43-60.
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