Hegemonical processes and Everyday life. Workers‘ practices during Sociedad Mixta Siderúrgica Argentina‘s privatization

  • Julia Soul Núcleo de Estudios del Trabajo y la Conflictividad Social. UNR
Keywords: Privatizations, Everyday life, Labouring places, Hegemonical process, Steel industry


This article focuses on the analysis of the privatization process from the perspective of the disorganization of everyday life in working places, understanding everyday life as the instance of concretization of the hegemonical processes and as a moment of concrete totality. A description is made to show the way how the privatization of the national steel company (SOMISA) develops throughout processes of disorganization/organization of the everyday life in the working place. Main topics are identified in regards to workers experience during the crisis that arose before and immediately after the privatization: work instability and individualization of work relationships. The analysis emphazises the importance of these topics in the workers´ meanings, mainly in relation to their previous working experience, labeled as “non-boss experience”, due to the statal quality of the company.


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Author Biography

Julia Soul, Núcleo de Estudios del Trabajo y la Conflictividad Social. UNR
Licenciada en Antropología. Núcleo de Estudios del Trabajo y la Conflictividad Social. UNR. Becaria Doctoral CONICET.
How to Cite
Soul, J. (2009). Hegemonical processes and Everyday life. Workers‘ practices during Sociedad Mixta Siderúrgica Argentina‘s privatization. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (29), 85-102. https://doi.org/10.34096/cas.i29.2797
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