Políticas sociales y redes clientelares en un municipio del Gran Buenos Aires

  • María Cecilia Scaglia UBA
  • Claudia Marcela Woods UBA


In this article we propose to analise the problem of politic client processes, foccusing on the modality of social politics implementation at a local level of government, under the supposition of an increasing importance of the client relations which particular structuration would responde to the changes of statal interventions that have occurred in the last years. In particular we try to go deep into the sense of the participation spaces promoted by the municipal government as a priveleged methodology of the social programs and the practices of the neighbourhood organizations in these ambits, and so introducing in a case that condenses situations that we could call extreme in poverty and popular “participation”: the municipality of Florencio Varela. This work starts from an ethnographic approach that focuses some implications of the implementation of two social programs of the province of Buenos Aires, the Plan of Employment Generation and the Life Program, in the district of Florencio Varela, for which participant observation and interviews to key informants have been applied. We so pretend to give account of the particularities of this client process introducing the subjective dimension proper of the client networks and simultaneusly putting them in relation with political control strategies and local power reproduction.


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Author Biographies

María Cecilia Scaglia, UBA
Lic. en Antropología, docente de la materia Antropología Sistemática II, carrera de Antropología, FFyL, UBA. Municipalidad de Florencio Varela.
Claudia Marcela Woods, UBA
estudiante avanzada. Becaria de Investigación, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA.
How to Cite
Scaglia, M. C., & Woods, C. M. (1). Políticas sociales y redes clientelares en un municipio del Gran Buenos Aires. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (12). https://doi.org/10.34096/cas.i12.4701
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