Agrarian struggle and desire equipment in the context of the reactivation of the Uruguayan sugar industry

A Marxist-desiring approach

  • Alex Martins Moraes CIS-IDES, CONICET
Keywords: Agrarian struggle, Development policy, Desire, Marxism, Uruguay


In this article, I analyze how the agrarian demands of a rural workers’ union in the Northern-Uruguay were managed within the framework of a government development policy whose objective was to convert its beneficiaries into efficient sugarcane producers. From a perspective that combines the thinking of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari with the Marxian analysis of credit systems, I examine the conflicting convergence between agrarian struggle and rural development, conceptualizing it as an unstable ‘collective equipment’ [équipement collectif] that captures social desire. Through participant observation and in interlocution with the beneficiaries of development policies, I examine the economic consequences of desire equipment and indicate its conditions of (im)possibility, as well as the ways to overcome it politically. I conclude by reflecting on the primacy of desire over any capture process that aims to order and functionalize it.


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Otras fuentes consultadas

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How to Cite
Martins Moraes, A. (2021). Agrarian struggle and desire equipment in the context of the reactivation of the Uruguayan sugar industry. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (53), 199-215.