“Money Is Good, but a Friend Is Better”

Uncertainty, Orientation to the Future, and “the Economy”

  • Benoît de L’Estoile CNRS, CMH y Ecole normale supérieure/PSL
Keywords: Uncertainty, Economy, Wait, Brazil, Oikonomia


Based on long-term ethnographic research in state-run settlement projects on former sugarcane plantations in Northeast Brazil, this article questions the evidence of “the economy” as a privileged framework for understanding the life situation of the poor, structured by precariousness and uncertainty about the future. Exploring the polysemy of Portuguese esperar (to wait, to hope, and to expect), it analyzes the plurality of orientations to the future among former sugarcane wageworkers included as beneficiaries in land reform projects, and their strategies to mitigate uncertainty in various configurations. If radical uncertainty lies out of reach of human hands, relative uncertainty may be acted on by mobilizing people. While money is desirable, it has a transitory character; and the value of friends lies in their potential to help, especially in case of a crisis. Ethnography thus suggests moving beyond an “economic anthropology” that aims to analyze “other economies” in order to explore the fields of opportunities and frames of reference that structure life situations and the local versions of oikonomia in its original meaning of “government of the household”.


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Author Biography

Benoît de L’Estoile, CNRS, CMH y Ecole normale supérieure/PSL
Doctor en Antropología (EHESS), Director de Investigación (directeur de recherche) en el CNRS (Centre Maurice Halbwachs) y Profesor de la Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS)/PSL. Es co-responsable del Master "Pratiques de l’interdisciplinarité dans les sciences sociales" en la ENS.. Sus temas de investigación versan sobre la antropología política y antropología del conocimiento; la gubernamentalidad de las prácticas cotidianas, antropología de la casa (oikos), Antropología política de los saberes coloniales. Ha estudiado en profundidad las recomposiciones sociales y políticas de Brasil.


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How to Cite
de L’Estoile, B. (2020). “Money Is Good, but a Friend Is Better” . Cuadernos De antropología Social, (51). https://doi.org/10.34096/cas.i51.8237