The prosopography and the study of the Late Antique dignities. The Romano-Byzantine <i>Strategoi / Magistri militum</i> (517-565 A.D.)

  • Ivan Rey
Keywords: prosopography, magistri militum, strategos, typology, historiography


The consolidation of the prosopography as an auxiliary discipline of History has been one of the developments that has collaborated to the validation of the work of the historians. The own methodological approach of the prosopography allow to obtain visibility about the different sectors of the society and about the possibilities of the members of the same to access to positions of power. In the present article, the intention is to comment the experience of an exercise of prosopographical analysis of the men that hold the position of strategos / magister militum around the complex period of govern of the Emperor Justinian. The said task it was proposed with the object of acquire a better comprehension of the functioning of the imperial administration and a most complete knowledge respect of the social collectives that acceded to it.


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How to Cite
Rey, I. (1). The prosopography and the study of the Late Antique dignities. The Romano-Byzantine <i>Strategoi / Magistri militum</i&gt; (517-565 A.D.). Anales De Historia Antigua, Medieval Y Moderna, 49, 61-78.
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