The historiography of the agermanada revolt: the absent place of the historical narrative

  • Mariana V. Parma Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Keywords: historiography, social conflicts, agermanada revolt, radicalization


Under the first crisis of the feudal system and in the context of the cycle of social and political struggles to which it gave rise, the revolt agermanada (1519-1522) took shape. The Valencian historiography turned this revolt into an privileged object of study with renewed contributions of interest, because the event evokes and rediscovers the local identity and autonomy. But not all the aspects that involve the analysis of the conflict have deserved the same attention on the part of the historians, nor have the two stages of the social struggle obtained from then the same evaluation. The present article tries a survey of the specialized historiography around the case, in order to be able to establish a balance of these forms of interpretation, as for the understanding of the second and decisive phase of the revolt, whose importance we postulate for the understanding of the set of the historical process. 


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How to Cite
Parma, M. V. (2018). The historiography of the agermanada revolt: the absent place of the historical narrative. Anales De Historia Antigua, Medieval Y Moderna, 52, 201-225.