
Filología is a biannual journal of the Institute of Philology and Hispanic Literatures “Dr. Amado Alonso” from the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Buenos Aires. The journal operates as the Institute's organ for scientific dissemination, bringing together the work of professionals from different research areas (theoretical or empirical): grammar and linguistics, Spanish literatures, foreign literature, and literary theory. Since its creation in 1949, Filología has included original and unpublished works related to the knowledge of language, literature and culture.

Each number of Filología may contain between two and four sections. The Articles section includes scientific papers on the different research areas persued at the Institute. The Dossiers section brings together sets of papers with a common subject, related to the objectives of the journal, with an appropriate title and an introduction by the coordinator(s) of the dossier. The Research Notes section includes contributions on different theoretical and methodological approaches applied to scientific work. The Reviews section offers critiques of recently published books that contribute to further the study of the different research areas developed at the Institute.


Peer review process

The original and unpublished manuscripts that are submitted will be evaluated by two or more external referees using a double-blind system, keeping the identity of the author and reviewers confidential during the evaluation process. If the evaluations do not coincide or have discrepancies, the Drafting Committee will request a new evaluation and the final decision will be made on the basis of the new opinion. As the last stage of the evaluation process, all the contributions that make up each issue of Philology are examined by the Editorial Board of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Buenos Aires, which makes the final approval of each issue of the journal. The authors will be notified of the decision to accept or reject the manuscript. Likewise, the text may be returned to them to introduce the modifications recommended by the evaluators within the agreed deadlines.

The Editorial Committee reserves the following rights:

  • request articles or other texts from specialists when deemed appropriate (these cases will also be subject to external evaluation);
  • reject collaborations that are not relevant to the thematic profile of the magazine or that do not conform to the style standards;
  • Establish the order in which accepted papers will be published.


Open access policy

Filología is an open access scholarly journal, meaning all content is freely available at no charge to the user or their institution. Users may read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without prior permission from the publisher or author. This open access proposal is in accordance with the 2001 Budapest Open Access Initiative ( BOAI ) .


Copyright and deposit Policies

Authors retain copyright and assign the journal the right of first publication. The work registered with the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License allows third parties to use what is published, provided the corresponding reference is included.

Authors can deposit their published works in institutional or thematic repositories, thus allowing greater scope and visibility of their research. They can deposit both the pre-print version (draft before peer review) and the post-print version (final version after peer review but without the final layout of the journal) of their papers. This policy allows authors to share and disseminate their work effectively, while respecting the rights of the journal.


Anti-plagiarism policy

Filología maintains an anti-plagiarism and self-plagiarism policy for both electronic sources and printed sources to guarantee the originality of all manuscripts. All contributions are checked with anti-plagiarism software  (Plagium, Dupli Checker, Plagiarisma). If plagiarism or self-plagiarism is detected, the manuscript will not be considered for publication.


Ethical aspects

Filología adheres to the Code of Conduct and Good Practices established by the Committee of publication Ethics ( COPE ). In compliance with this code, the journal undertakes to avoid the existence of any conflict of interest between authors, reviewers and editors. A conflict of interest is understood to be the divergence between the scientific/academic work and the personal interests of any of the actors involved in the editorial process (authors, editors, external evaluators). All submitted text will be evaluated for its intellectual content. Filología adheres to the Declaration on Research Assessment ( DORA ) on the evaluation of research.


Filología magazine does not charge fees of any kind for sending or publishing its articles.


Digital Preservation Policy

Filología is part of the institutional repository Filo:Digital of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Buenos Aires, which digitally archives and guarantees the preservation of scientific material. It is also conserved in the institutional repository of the University of Buenos Aires (Library and Information System of the University of Buenos Aires, Sisbi ).


Self-archive policy

This journal allows the deposit in repositories, institutional pages or others, of all versions of the article.