Joking over the ruins: the end of the Vietnam War in three Ibero-American satirical magazines (1972-1973)

Keywords: Graphic humour, Vietnam, Cultural networks, Iberoamerica, 1970s


In January 1973 the governments of the United States, North Vietnam and South Vietnam signed the Paris Peace Accords. This was a watershed moment both for international policy and for the USA’s domestic policy. But it also implied a cultural breaking point. In this essay I will focus in three satirical humor magazines which represented and laughed at the American defeat and the end of a war that, up to that point, seemed an immutable element of the international political landscape: Satiricón (Argentina), O Pasquim (Brazil) and Hermano Lobo (Spain). These were the most important satirical magazines in each of the countries at the moment of the signature of the peace accords, and they echoed them in an adequate manner.


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Author Biography

Amadeo Gandolfo, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Amadeo Gandolfo holds a PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and is a postdoctoral fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Germany). His investigations are centered on cultural history and comic book studies.


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How to Cite
Gandolfo, A. (2022). Joking over the ruins: the end of the Vietnam War in three Ibero-American satirical magazines (1972-1973). Historia & Guerra, (3), 192-217.