Latin American student magazines and the Great War

Keywords: Magazines, First World War, Students, Latin Americanism, Anti-imperialism


The main objective of this article is to inquire about Latin American students' participation in the debates generated by the Great War through the printed media they had at their disposal. Correspondingly, the analysis is carried out in three stages: first, how the pre-war European political reality was present in the student agenda of the region is studied. Secondly, it analyzed the mood of the printed interventions of the students during the European conflict, explaining why these mainly were carried out through the pages of not precisely university journalistic organs. Finally, it is examined the student discourse on the Great War in the student publications themselves, which had their moment of greatest boom after 1918, explaining how continuity and organization can be traced in them as themes and reflections, which make the phenomenon of the Great War a fundamental event in the ideological architecture of the Latin American student movements of the second and third decade of the XXth century.


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Author Biography

David Pulido García, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional de Colombia
David Antonio Pulido García is a History graduate from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and holds a PhD in Latin American Studies from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. He is currently a professor at the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional de Colombia. His main area of research is the intellectual history of Latin American student movements in the early twentieth century. Among his most recent publications is the book Formar una nación de todas las hermanas. La joven intelectualidad colombiana frente al latinoamericanismo mexicano, 1916-1920 (2021), published in Bogotá by the Universidad del Rosario.


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How to Cite
Pulido García, D. (2022). Latin American student magazines and the Great War. Historia & Guerra, (3), 58-77.